Atomic Reaction: New Doc Explores Canada’s Role in The Manhattan Project
The Case Against Cosby: Absorbing Doc Surveys Survivor Healing After Sexual Trauma
Fear of Dancing: Intriguing doc about why some (like Stephen Fry) are chronically unable to get down with their bad selves
The World's Biggest Family: How some sperm donors have fathered hundreds, and offspring discover armies of half-siblings
Your weekend-less guide: What to watch that's NOT in the theatres
ReviewJim SlotekCOVID-19 effect on movies, Hot Docs, Barry Avrich, Made You Look: A True Story About Fake Art, CBC Gem, Kim Kardashian-West: The Justice Project, Saigon Metalhood: Vietnam’s Heaviest Story, Ken Jennings, Jeopardy!, The Game Show Network, Mrs. America, Cate Blachett, Rose Byrne, Tracey Ullman, Phyllis Schlaffly, Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem, Streamed movie roundups