Your weekend-less guide: What to watch that's NOT in the theatres
Looking for something fresh to watch? Our Original-Cin team has been busy dredging through the frothy rapids and dark undercurrents of streaming opportunities to salvage the treasures, oddities and trinkets worthy of your attention.
Let's start with some good fake news: Made You Look: A True Story About Fake Art (Rating: A) is a smart, funny documentary by Toronto director, Barry Avrich, talking to the principal players in the $80-million modern art forgery scandal the rocked the New York art world. You can watch it for free on CBC's Gem app.
Shakedown, streaming for free, is an acclaimed doc about a legendary L.A. black lesbian strip club
Made You Look was supposed to premiere on North America's biggest documentary festival, Hot Docs, scheduled to run from April 30-10. Jim Slotek discusses the dilemma of the announced festival without screens, and gives the run-down of the titles that CBC will carry each Thursday through the end of May. Also, to help sate your non-fiction cravings, Liam Lacey offers a round-up of newly available amazing-but-true documentaries: A portrait of Kim Kardashian, justice fighter; a film about a legendary black lesbian strip club that showed at the Whitney Museum and Pornhub; a look at Vietnamese heavy metal; an interview with a cannibal and a documentary about how great nurses are.
Jeopardy! -- now there's a game show with a timely title. Bonne Laufer talks to Jeopardy G.O.A.T (greatest of all time) Ken Jennings, about his new game program on the Game Show Network, and what it's like to play trivia with his kids at home during quarantine.
Finally, we look at the first three episodes of Mrs. America, the stylish limited series from Mad Men writer, Dahvi Waller, about the early seventies' feminist push for the Equal Rights Amendment, with Tracey Ullman as Betty Friedan, Rose Byrne as Gloria Steinem, with Cate Blanchett as Phyllis Schlaffly, the leader of the conservative backlash.
We'll continue to add reviews through the week so check back to our web page, or better still, subscribe to our emails.