Original-Cin Q&A: Some Words - Including 'Oh My!' - From George Takei on Voicing a Cat in Paws of Fury
By Bonnie Laufer
At 85, veteran actor (and Star Trek’s Sulu) George Takei shows no signs of slowing down. His latest project shows off his famous vocal chords, voicing a cat named Ohga in the new animated family comedy, Paws of Fury: The Legend of Hank.
The movie’s fish-out-of-water theme sees a beagle named Hank (Michael Cera) find himself in a village of dog-hating cats, where he, nonetheless, receives samurai training. Takei’s character Ohga is a powerful Manx who serves a warlord Somali cat named Ika Chu (Ricky Gervais).
Ricky Gervais as "Ika Chu" and George Takei as "Ohga" in Paws of Fury: The Legend of Hank.
Our Bonnie Laufer spoke with George about his love of animation, playing a cat (even though he prefers dogs) and taking a pet on to the Starship Enterprise.
Paws of Fury: The Legend of Hank is in theaters Friday, July 15th.
CLICK HERE to see Bonnie’s Interview with Canada’s own Michael Cera who plays Hank.
CLICK HERE to listen to Bonnie’s Interview with Director Rob Minkoff
ORIGINAL-CIN: George, I guess I’ve got to start with the age old question. Are you a dog or a cat guy?
GEORGE TAKEI: I am a dog guy. For my entire life I've had dogs. But I've also been an actor for a very long time, so I can switch to a cat-loving guy just as much as I love dogs.
This is a story that takes place in the land of cats in ancient Japan. All cats, rich cats, poor cats, every kind of cat imaginable. I'm a cat and I was perfectly content with that. (Laughs)
I did the voice of the sidekick to the boss Samurai cat who is this powerful Lord.
He has great power but is a teeny tiny, miniature cat and he happens to sound like Ricky Gervais! He's trying to boss everybody around, especially me!
He’s looking for a big army so that he can have control over the cats of the land and he roped me into helping him with his plan.
ORIGINAL-CIN: There’s no disputing that your voice is Iconic. George, how much fun did you have doing a voice over like this?
TAKEI: Well, it is fun because my voice keeps changing. I'm a growing boy! (Laughs)
When I was a little boy I had a high-pitched voice. Now my voice is lower, but it does keep changing, and I keep adjusting to it with the passage of time. It’s fun to hear my voice come out of this rather large cat!
ORIGINAL-CIN: What I love about this movie is that it pays homage to so many great films and roles, whether it’s Mel Brooks references (because Mel is in the film), or a famous Samuel Jackson line. But you are honored too, because we get your famous catchphrase. Was that planned or ad-libbed?
TAKEI: OH MY! Yes, absolutely we had to have that in the film. It was all me. OH MY!
ORIGINAL-CIN: So I need to know. If Sulu had been allowed to have a pet on board the Starship Enterprise, what do you think he would prefer? A cat or a dog?
TAKEI: Well, if you remember in one episode (The Enemy Within), you saw me with an alien creature that I had for a pet and it had a horn coming out of its head. I was able to carry it, and it was a dog gussied up to look like an alien creature. So even my imaginary alien alien creature was an Earthling dog.
ORIGINAL-CIN: You know you have a lot of fans in Canada. When are we going to get you back in Toronto?
TAKEI: I have an aunt and two cousins who are Canadian. I love coming to Canada and visiting my one cousin who lives in Toronto.
The other one is an Economist, and where do Canadian Economists live? In Ottawa of course! He tells me that in the winter, he ice skates to work along the canal. What could be better than that?