Original-Cin Q&A: Downton's Mr. Molesley, Kevin Doyle, Looks Back in Wonder
By Bonnie Laufer
Downton Abbey is still alive and kicking, 12 years after the series first aired in the U.K and subsequently became a global phenomenon.
Who doesn’t love the drama between the rich upstairs folk and their downstairs servants?
Creator and writer Julian Fellowes has brilliantly created a world fans cannot get enough of - so much so that, after the series ended in 2015, the cast reunited for a big screen movie in 2019.
Now, the second film, Downton Abbey: A New Era, is upon us where we see half the Crawley family going on a grand journey to the South of France to uncover the mystery of the dowager countess's newly inherited villa, while the other half keeps an eye on a movie production filming at Downton.
Mr. Molesley (Kevin Doyle, center) turns script-writer to help save a silent movie shooting in Downton
Our Bonnie Laufer ( and resident Downton Abbey fanatic) spoke with actor Kevin Doyle who plays fan favorite Mr Molesley about the Downton Abbey appeal.
CLICK HERE to read Jim Slotek’s review of Downton Abbey: A New Era.
ORIGINAL-CIN: Kevin, your character Mr. Molesley has truly captured Downton fan’s hearts.
Did you ever think when you started this series, what it would become?
KEVIN DOYLE: No, of course not. We had no idea. I think we knew that it was going to be somewhat successful simply because of the dramatic storylines and the wonderful cast. We had Maggie Smith and the helm of a British period drama. So we knew it had legs to survive at least three seasons because that is what was guaranteed at the time.
When the first season started screening back home in Britain, we would get emails from our executive producer saying that the numbers were going up every week and it was kind of unprecedented. So we knew we were onto a winner.
But when we were beginning to shoot the second season we began to appreciate the global outreach, which was extraordinary because I can't think of another British show in my lifetime that had the fandom Downton Abbey went on to have. It’s amazing to me to look back and see some of the young actors in the show, it was their very first job and they’re all so wonderful.
ORIGINAL-CIN: As a loyal fan, what I love most about the show is that pretty much every single character has had such a great evolution. What have you loved most about playing Mr. Molesley and how he's developed over the years?
DOYLE: Well, It's interesting because I think it's been a very interesting evolution for Molesley. Julian (Fellowes) had a different idea about the character originally. I think he was meant to be a little more suspicious and not such a nice guy. He made moves on Anna when Mr. Bates was away.
He was always up to something, but the direction of the character looked as if it was going in a certain direction and then it changed when the death of Matthew (played by Dan Stevens) happened. I honestly didn’t know how long my role would continue in the show, but I am so glad Julian saw to it that he stuck around.
ORIGINAL-CIN: In my humble opinion, Julian Fellowes is a genius. What is it like to be around that man and watch him work?
DOYLE: It’s extraordinary if you think about it, because normally a show of this size has several writers. But he's done it all himself. Plus, not only is he still working on Downton, but he also has his new series The Gilded Age which he writes and produces as well. He’s also managed to keep a company of 20 or so actors, very happy! That’s a huge feat in itself!
ORIGINAL-CIN: After so many years of working together, it is clear that you have all become somewhat of a family. Who do you pal around with on the set? Who do you like to hang out with?
DOYLE: Oh, I spend a lot of my time with Jim Carter who plays Mr. Carson. We have a similar sense of humor and we get on famously! We usually draw towards one another whenever there is any downtime, usually when we want to bitch about the rest of the company. (laughs)
ORIGINAL-CIN: Now that his real-life wife Imelda Staunton is in the mix, it is truly a family affair!
DOYLE: That’s right. It’s been fabulous having her in the last two films.
ORIGINAL-CIN: As I mentioned earlier, it’s been so nice to see Mr. Molesley’s character arc over the years and in this film we find out one of his hidden talents is a screenwriter.
What was it like for you and the cast to shoot a movie within a movie?
DOYLE: It took a little getting used to, but it was really fascinating because, you turn up on set and not only would there be the lights and the cameras that we needed to be aware of, but it was all doubled for the movie that we were shooting in the film.
We had all of this silent movie filmmaking paraphernalia there. For example,e we had the actual camera that shot the original Ben Hur film in the 1920s. Plus, all of the old fashioned recording equipment, the transitional equipment from silent movies to talkies was extraordinary to have on the set and we were all so fascinated with everything. We were constantly asking questions and getting schooled about all of the original sound recording and filming equipment that was used to shoot film in the 1930’s.
ORIGINAL- CIN: Downton Abbey has quite a loyal and devoted fan base. Have you ever had a fan encounter that has really stuck with you personally?
DOYLE: I tend to stay away from social media, but now that you’ve asked this, a really weird thing happened just the other day.
We were stuck at an airport and it was all a bit frantic to get to Canada and a lady spotted me. She didn’t want to hold me up but she said to me, “Your character and his evolution over the years has helped my marriage.”
That sort of stopped me in my tracks because people are very gracious when they come up to me, but I had never heard a story like that. It made me think a lot about it afterwards because it is easy to forget how these stories that we tell can have an impact on people.
So it was just lovely to be reminded how people can take inspiration from these characters and the stories we have been telling for the last decade. I am very grateful for Downton and everything it has given me and the people I have worked with and met over the years.
ORIGINAL- CIN So now that we know that Molesley is a screenwriter, what kind of script would YOU like to see if there is a third movie?
DOYLE: Oh that’s easy. I want to see the whole Downton crew off to the Bahamas. Wouldn’t that be grand?